Scalp Micropigmentation
Scalp Micropigmentation is a form of cosmetic tattooing where we simulate the look of a hair follicle.
Scalp Micropigmentation typically takes 3-4 sessions to complete and will require touch ups once every 4-5 years depending on sun exposure. To maintain the pigment it is important that male patients wear sunscreen and or a hat where possible. Melissa recommends using Neutrogena 50+ facial sunscreen Matte finish.
During the initial consultation process Melissa will discuss the area to be tattooed as well as any conditions which may affect the outcome (e.g. Psoriasis).

For Men
Melissa Carr implants a specialised carbon pigment into the skin about 0.5 mm deep. For male patients this gives the impression of a complete ‘5 0’Clock shadow’ when done across the entire scalp. This is a popular procedure for men suffering from hair loss who want that neatly shaven look or to give the appearance of thicker hair.
For Women
The typical pattern of female pattern baldness is different from that of male pattern baldness. The hair thins all over the head, but the frontal hairline is maintained. Scalp Mircopigmentation is used to reduce the contrast between the flesh coloured scalp and the patients hair.
Asked Questions
You'll find answers to our most common questions here. If you have a question we haven't answered, please get in touch. We'll be happy to help you out.
Medical conditions and medication determine your suitability for cosmetic tattooing. Other factors that determine your suitability are whether you are pregnant or breastfeeding etc. Although, we will complete very thorough paperwork prior it's important that you disclose anything that may affect your suitability.
The cost of the treatment is dependent on the size of the area to be presented for Scalp Micropigmentation. Please contact us to book your initial consultation.
The pain is very minimal due to the pigment being implanted very shallow in the scalp. Most clients fall asleep during the long SMP sessions. Some have even described it as relaxing. Every client experiences SMP differently. We also have a Netflix in each of our clinics to help pass the time. It's a good opportunity for a Netflix binge with your favourite series or movies.
Not always. SMP for baldness always look best shaved to a number 1 or number zero as this will blend in perfectly and look the same texture.
For a client with thinning hair wanting to add a thicker fuller look, theres no need to shave the scalp, we can add hair density amongst the existing hair to create a thicker fuller look. This includes adding hair density to complete a fuller look after a hair transplant.
You can leave the clinic after your SMP procedure and go straight back to work. The pinkness usually lasts only an hour or so for most people. After the procedure you will not be able to swim or exercise for 7 days. You will also not be able to wash your hair for 5 days.
My equipment/tools are either disposable hand tools or my machine uses disposable parts, therefore every procedure is done using a brand new needle as well as the attachments, all of which are individually wrapped and sterile, all disposed of after each treatment - as per health and safety requirements.
Your skin type and remaining hair will guide us with pigment choice for your Scalp Micropigmentaion. We will perform a test patch with 2 pigment tones an decide from the healed result which tones we will use to carry out the procedure to best blend in with your shaved look or existing hair. Our range of pigment tones is vast.
Each case is unique and individual, however most clients return for a Scalp Micropigmetation touch up between 3 - 5 years. Depending on life style and environmental factors, ie surfer/sun exposure. Working out doors etc.
Proper care following your procedure is necessary to achieve the best results. We will provide you with a detailed aftercare sheet on the day. This will include:
- Application of a topical aftercare cream, depending on which procedure you have.
- No heavy exercise for 7 days, however you can do low cardio exercise such as weights and walking but no exercise that will cause heavy sweating, this includes saunas.
- No ocean or pool swimming for 7 days.
The pigments we use will softens over time, as you age and hair colouring changes we have the opportunity to adjust the pigment tones to suit any hair colour changes. As well - if your hair loss progresses we will add more Scalp Micropigmentation to the areas of new hair loss when you come in for a Colour Boost.
A $195 deposit is required when booking your treatment to secure your time slot. The remaining is paid in 2 parts at the first 2 appointments. A cancellation fee ($190 deposit) will apply if notice is less than 72 hours. An administration fee of $30 will apply if you change your mind prior to your booking.
We talk in detail about expectations of both the client & treatment. We talk about custom designing YOUR age appropriate hairline. A test patch can be carried out.
We discuss pigment tones, shape and balance of your facial features. We pencil in a hairline (for those that are bringing their hairline bought forward). We check the condition of the scalp, we show you before and after photos relevant to your own scenario.
You'll find answers to our most common questions here. If you have a question we haven't answered, please get in touch. We'll be happy to help you out.