fLash Eyelash Serum 2ml


Admired someone else’s gorgeous long eyelashes and wished they could be yours? Well stop dreaming and start using fLash Eyelash Serum!

Very soon you’ll be the one hearing compliment after compliment and you’ll have no hesitation in recommending this wonderful product – unless you want to keep the secret to yourself!

fLash Eyelash Serum is affordable and designed to give you long, gorgeous, curled lashes in as little as 2-3 weeks, with a simple once per day application.

  • Conditions hair follicles
  • Doesn’t sting or irritate – safe for sensitive eyes
  • Ophthalmologist tested
  • Safe for contact lens wearers

Availability: 4 in stock

Size: 2.0ml (3 months supply)