Does SMP Hurt?

One of the most asked questions we get is “does Scalp MicroPigmentation hurt?” This can be concerning for some people, often because they assume it’s like body tattooing.

The good news is, it’s nothing like body tattooing. Yes, SMP is a type of tattoo.  However, it’s a very specialised technique, making it very different from body tattooing.

The reason being SMP compared to body art doesn’t go as deep into the skin (approx 0.5mm for SMP) and the types of needles used are far smaller by comparison which means the pain level is considerably less. So, in answer, if someone does feel discomfort, it’s brief and very bearable.

What can influence pain and sensitivity?

Some influencing factors for levels of discomfort during SMP can be:

  • How tired the client is on the day of his/her session
  • For some women, their menstrual cycle can have a bearing on pain/sensitivity
  • Whether there is scarring or some type of skin condition in the area being worked on or
  • Simply, the individual may have a lower pain threshold than others.

What can help with pain and sensitivity?

  • Make sure you are sufficiently rested before your sessions.
  • If you are concerned about discomfort, you can take paracetamol before your treatment.
  • Avoid alcohol leading up to your treatments.
  • Try to manage your nerves and be as relaxed as possible.
  • Have only 1 cup of coffee the day of your procedure.
  • Do not exercise the day of your procedure.

“Is that it? I thought it would hurt more than that!

No two people are the same and what feels like a scalp massage for some people can feel uncomfortable for others. It’s not uncommon for people to be a little nervous prior to starting and once we are underway they say “is that it? I thought it would hurt a lot more than that!” So, trying to be as relaxed as possible before and during your session is helpful. Having Netflix in our clinic helps people to focus on something other than their procedure, some people bring their own earphones and catch up on their favourite blogs & podcasts or listen to music etc.

In Summary

Yes, there is a level of discomfort with Scalp MicroPigmentation which varies from person to person. Generally, the feedback from clients for pain levels on a scale of 1 - 10 sits around the 3 mark. The more relaxed you are towards the procedure, the better the experience is. Also, taking painkillers before your treatment can help but make sure to avoid aspirin due to its blood-thinning effects. And finally, some areas are more sensitive than others. Generally, the front of the scalp and the temple areas are the most sensitive areas, and the further back where the skin is a little thicker, the less sensitive it is.